6 Ways to Boost Your SEO Score with Image Optimization

Search Engine Optimization - Improve your ranking today
By: Mayda Alkhaldi

Understanding how to best rank your site on search engines requires more than just learning about optimizing search terms. It is also about the images you post on your site. Did you know that SEO image optimization can really help boost your SEO score? Continue reading to learn more about this valuable digital marketing technique.

  1. Use unique images that are page-relevant
  2. Original content is optimal for maintaining quality content

    It is usually best to support your content with images that create helpful visualizations and enhance the layout of your site. Using relevant images alongside text can help improve your keyword ranking.

    The ideal way of using relevant images is using original images you have taken yourself. Creating original content prevents potentially copying other existing work, and also helps maintain user engagement. Why not be creative and take that extra step to have original, quality content on your website?

  3. Use the highest quality format possible
  4. Avoid selling your content short with poor quality images that do not add value to your content in any way. Users would enjoy visually appealing images that clearly convey the message or intended purpose. Quality is key!

    WebP is an image format developed by Google. Using this format, you can create smaller yet richer images that do not delay your page loading times.

    Another option is JPEGs – they provide great quality and small file size. PNGs work just as good, especially if you are looking to use extremely small file size!

  5. Reduce the size of your image
  6. Mobile responsive images enhance user experience

    Nowadays most users are mobile users, which means your content will most likely be viewed on mobile platforms. How will this affect SEO image optimization? Well, search engines, specifically Google, consider how well sites adapt to mobile platforms. This means adjusting your images to be mobile responsive by scaling large files down. Smaller images take less time to load which is crucial for mobile viewing.

    Slower loading times and page speed can demotivate your users quickly and increase your bounce rate. Allow your users to spend more time on your site by ensuring they have minimal to no issues when viewing your content.

    Media queries are also a great technique to allow your images to be responsive. Whether your screen size is 2000 pixels wide or just 960 pixels, adding media queries in your CSS renders your images according to screen size and not browser size. Users may view your site through a variety of platform types such as mobile and tablet -- your images must be responsive to all types.

  7. Organize multiple images for optimum viewing
  8. Organize your images logically

    Once you have chosen your images, it is important to organize them in a manner that makes sense in the context to which they are being used. Images are intended to support textual content and thus, logically, the images must be used in an order that matches the content itself to maximize SEO relevance.

    Review your images carefully to make sure that you are not missing any important imagery that could cover important details from your content.

  9. Include a concise caption with your image
  10. Images can drive traffic to your site and increase chances of being discovered by more users. Images with captions, however, are even better, because search engines can use them to rank your site like URLs.

    Maintain user engagement by creating relevant captions to go with your images. Sometimes images on their own may be hard to understand even if they are matched with other content. Captions can be an easy and quick descriptive way to understand the image and the content overall.

    Did you know that captions under images are read, on average, 300% more than the body copy itself? Take advantage of this opportunity to optimize your content.

  11. Utilize the “Alt Text” to maximize accessibility
  12. Finally, SEO optimization is not fully complete without adding ‘alt text’ or ‘alt attribute’ to all your images. Like image captions, alt texts essentially describe what is in the image. The main difference is that alt texts are only seen by users if the image is broken or missing from your site or if images are turned off in browsers.

    This is a very useful SEO technique that unfortunately often goes ignored. You not only boost your content and improve your SEO score, but also increase accessibility for users who cannot view your images. Incorporating alt texts is an easy technique that goes a long way for both SEO and user experience.

SEO image optimization is a great way to maintain traffic to your site through potentially increased exposure. If you are looking to improve your SEO rankings, call us today to see how we can help!

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