Transitions Roundtable
Can dentists evaluate staff performance prior to buying a practice? To be able to retain the right employees and terminate the wrong ones quickly.
Read the article on dentaleconomics.com>
'It's time for us to watch them': App lets you spy on Alexa and the rest of your smart devices
App tracks the data that each smart device in a house transmits — and who receives it.
Read the article on cbc.ca>
An Army of Micro-robots Can Wipe Out Dental Plaque
A swarm of micro-robots, directed by magnets, can break apart and remove dental biofilm, or plaque, from a tooth. The innovation arose from a cross-disciplinary partnership among dentists, biologists, and engineers.
Read the article on sciencedaily.com>
Why We Interviewed a Bunch of Rappers About Marketing
To effectively market in a mobile world, brands need to think of their apps as mobile video mailboxes.
Read the article on hubspot.com>
How to Market Technology in a Way That Matters to Your Dental Patients
You’ve just invested in a new panoramic plus cephalometric system and are happier than a kid in a candy store. You selected this model because you know it will provide you with incomparable images and allow you to perform the most precise procedures. You hope patients will love it and you can’t wait to tell them about the metal artifact reduction feature, the ceph imaging, the bite selector, and more. You just know they’ll be excited!
Read the article on dentistryiq.com>