The Must-Have Marketing Checklist for Dental Start-Ups
Marketing tends to be low on the priority list for most new practice owners. But postponing marketing until 60 to 90 days prior to opening serves to diminish the impact of your launch and delay your future success. To maximize your success, start marketing early.
Read the article on dentaleconomics.com>
What Will Happen to Influencer Marketing if Instagram ‘Likes’ Go Away?
Instagram recently tested eliminating “Like” counts on posts, a move that would likely empower influencer marketing agencies.
Read the article on marketingland.com>

Addressing Your Mean Team
Has your “dream team” become a “mean team”? If so, why should you care?
Read the article on oralhealthgroup.com>
How to Perfectly Manage a PPC Campaign
As you prepare to create a PPC campaign, it's important to get a rundown of what a successful campaign entails, and identify management misssteps that you'll want to avoid.
Read the article on hubspot.com>
5 Ways to Build a Strong Online Presence for Your Dental Practice Brand
Dentists must have a presence online in order to succeed in today's environment. How to do that successfully may be challenging to initiate? How to develop a strong online presence?
Read the article on dentistryiq.com>