A.I. in Marketing

In the ever-changing sphere of digital marketing, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is silently revolutionizing the way businesses connect with their audiences. From personalized advertisements to predictive analytics, AI is transforming the industry by enabling machines to simulate human intelligence, learn, and perform tasks that traditionally require human cognition. 

What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the process of creating machines that can perform tasks that require human cognitive abilities. The goal of AI is to simulate human intelligence in machines, so that they can think, learn, and perform tasks such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation without human intervention. In simpler words, AI is like giving computers a superpower to recognize your voice, think and learn to make smart decisions.

AI's Impact on Digital Marketing:

In the realm of digital marketing, AI serves as a versatile tool for tasks like content generation, data analysis, campaign optimization, and more. By leveraging AI, businesses can make informed, data-driven decisions, personalize user experiences, and enhance campaign performance, unlocking endless possibilities for success. 

You know what's fascinating? Even the biggest names in the game like Netflix, Amazon, and Spotify are all leveraging the power of AI. It's everywhere these days!

AI Digital Marketing Tools

In addition to ChatGPT, there are several AI tools available to marketers that are transforming the way they work. Some of these tools include Jasper, Writer, and Midjourney, each designed to cater to specific marketing functions such as content generation, search engine optimization, and design. By incorporating these AI tools into their work processes, marketers can achieve greater efficiency, productivity, and effectiveness in their campaigns.

Benefits of AI

AI is a game-changer in the world of digital marketing. Let’s explore how it’s reshaping the world and what opportunities it brings:

  1. Content Creation and Optimization:
    • AI-generated content is gaining traction. While it won’t replace human-created content entirely, it can assist marketers in various ways
    • ChatGPT, for instance, can complete writing tasks, including full articles and even code. It’s a powerful tool that understands prompts and delivers prompt responses
    • Ways to use AI for content creation & optimization:
      • Content Generation: AI can create blog posts, social media updates, and product descriptions.
      • Keyword Research: AI algorithms analyze search trends and suggest relevant keywords.
      • Content Personalization: AI tailors content to individual users based on their behaviour and preferences.
      • SEO Optimization: AI tools analyze data to improve search engine rankings.
      • A/B Testing: AI helps optimize landing pages and email campaigns.
      • Sentiment Analysis: AI gauges audience sentiment to tailor messaging.
      • And many more….
  2. Customer Experience and Service:
    • AI-driven chatbots provide instant responses and personalized assistance.
    • IVR systems enhance customer support.
    • AI improves brand identity creation, PPC strategies, and marketing efficiency.

  3. The Future of AI in Marketing:
    • AI will continue to evolve, impacting how people seek answers and interact online.
    • While it won’t replace human interactions, it will enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the game in digital marketing. It's not just a trend but a big deal, reshaping how businesses operate. As companies use AI more, they get ahead by working smarter, personalizing things, and making decisions based on data. 

It is like a sidekick to human creativity, not a replacement. In the fast-changing world of digital marketing, using AI will not be a choice, but it will be a must-do strategy. The future holds even more cool stuff as AI keeps getting better, affecting how we find information and connect online. AI can be incredibly useful in marketing campaigns, but it is important to remember that it will never replace the human touch of a real marketer.

Digitally Transform Your Dental Practice With Federal Grants!

Looking for help to fund needed Technology upgrades for your practice? CDAP may be the solution!

Need to upgrade equipment or looking to make your dental practice’s digital presence known to your community? Do you need help funding new dental technologies for your clinic? The Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) might be the solution to these problems, offering various benefits including access to trained professionals for advice, interest-free loans, and hiring grants.

CDAP was designed to help small and medium-sized businesses (SME) grow their online presence and use technology to build their business. There are two types of grants available through this program, and businesses are able to apply for both:

  • Grow Your Business Online
  • Boost Your Business Technology

The Grow Your Business Online grant, worth up to $2,400, is focused on improving your business’ e-commerce capabilities to remain competitive in the market. This includes increasing online referrals, adopting security software, connecting with customers through advertising, improving your social media marketing, and improving your online customers’ user experience through reputation management and other tools. Through this grant, you can work with a local service provider and connect with an e-commerce advisor. For more information on this grant, click here

The Boost Your Business Technology grant provides up to $15,000 and up to $100,000 in interest-free loans to implement the technologies that can give your business the boost it deserves. Through this grant, you will work with a qualified digital advisor who can help you develop a custom plan to increase productivity, improve cybersecurity, respond to patients more quickly, and so much more! Furthermore, you can receive up to $7,300 to hire talented students and recent graduates who can help your business carry out its digital adoption plan. For more information on this grant, click here.

Digital adoption is essential in today's world, and its importance and use has been amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this competitive market, businesses without a comprehensive online presence will find it challenging to grow and establish themselves. It's also crucial to have a presence across various digital platforms, including the web, social media, and email. Ultimately, this increased online presence will enhance the value of your business over time.

At UpOnline Dental Marketing, we offer many CDAP-compatible services to take your business online, including email marketing, website management, search engine optimization, social media management and reputation management. Talk to us today to learn how our services can support your goals and for referrals to quality CDAP-approved digital advisors!

Importance of Web Design: What makes a good website?

Web design is the process of designing, planning, conceptualizing, and arranging content online. It helps customers to understand what services or products you’re offering. In today’s world, the majority of customers visit a company's website before making any purchases. They just want to be sure that the business has an online presence.

Web design is important because it impacts how your audience perceives your brand. In other words, the website is the face of your business. When people look you or your company up on Google, your company’s website is often the first platform to be presented to them. That’s why building a good webpage that provides clear and right information can convince visitors to become customers.

A well-designed website can help you form a great first impression with prospective customers. It can also help you nurture your leads and get more conversions. Most importantly, it offers a (hopefully) positive user experience and facilitates easy access to information for visitors to your website. Functionality across the site depends on creating easy navigation, uniform layouts, great design, and graphics.

Simple and Attractive Design

A website with a minimalistic design is very accessible, easy to scan, straightforward to use, and beautiful. If your site’s design is simple, your visitors can effortlessly scan through your pages instead of reading everything from start to finish. Your logo, portfolio photos, and other images used throughout your website should be clear, visible, and have the appropriate resolution for the content and screen viewed.

Crucial factors that should be considered before designing a website include a cohesive theme, colors, typography, imagery, and of course website functionality. Choosing a color scheme that represents your brand will help you impress a strong brand image. The tone and voice of the website are enhanced by good typography. Images have the power to elicit feelings, foster trust, and even change the behavior of visitors. High-quality images are used to form an impression of professionalism and credibility in the visitor’s mind.

Ease of Use & Mobile Friendliness

The more user-friendly your website is, the more likely it is that people will engage with your content and take the desired action. A User-friendly website design will increase your web traffic and lower your bounce rate. User Experience (UX) plays a key role in helping visitors use, understand, and stay on your website. 

A mobile-friendly website is a necessity because of the way people use technology today. Creating a responsive layout where your web page can adjust to different screen sizes is important to keep your reach the most visitors. Your site should satisfy both “searchers” coming for something specific and “browsers’ just looking. Help users accomplish their tasks quickly with onsite search and keep them engaged by suggesting related content and minimizing dead ends.

Quality & Clear Content

Quality content helps to attract the right audience to your website, engage them and work towards getting the user to take action on your website. 

An ideal website has both great design and clear content. Using compelling language and great content can attract and influence visitors by converting them into customers.

Clear CTA

The call to action is a key component of a webpage since it serves as a guidepost for the user, showing them what to do next. Being clear about what you want your site visitors to do helps direct them and alleviates confusion. Being specific throughout your website means using direct language like (contact, register, subscribe, and download) to make it easy to engage. A Google map is a bonus. Ensure that this information is readily available on your website. 

Easy Navigation & Load Time

Navigation is key to retaining visitors. Keeping navigation simple intuitive and consistent on every single page is the most important to retain your visitors otherwise if it's confusing, visitors will give up and find other options. 

A drop-down navigation bar at the top of your site is a common and very simple way to organize the pages and links on your website. The expected load time is 2-3sec.

A quick tip is to optimize image sizes to help load your site faster.

Optimized for SEO

A search engine-friendly structure makes it easy for Google and other search engines to crawl your site and understand what it’s about. SEO is important since it increases the visibility of your website, resulting in increased traffic and the potential to convert visitors into paying clients.

Good SEO optimizes your visibility online. This means that the more people find your presence online, the more your online traffic increases, and the better your chances to provide your product or service to more people.


It is very important to create a website that is visually appealing, polished, and professional. An effective website design should fulfill its intended functions by conveying its message whilst simultaneously engaging with visitors. Every page of your website should always be fast and functional because any of them can be a potential customer's first and only impression.

Want to talk more about Web Design? Contact an UpOnline representative to chat today!

Phaseout of Third Party Cookies in Google Chrome

In June 2021, Google announced their plan to remove third-party cookies by the end of 2023 within Google Chrome (in July 2022, Google delayed this plan to the end of 2024). The plan to remove third-party cookies did not come as a shock to most people, however, as other browsers such as Firefox and Safari already did the same back in 2013. Google made this decision amidst popular sentiment amongst consumers to have their personal tracking data limited, and when required, safe from hackers and other companies. Read on to learn how this change will affect digital marketers and businesses. 

How third-party cookies helped marketers

Essentially, third-party data helped marketers and businesses understand user behaviour across many websites. This allowed them to personalize their marketing techniques to yield high click-thru rates and conversions at a lower cost compared to traditional marketing (think of billboards, poster ads in public transport, etc. that are not as targeted). Marketers could also follow users through their buying journey and even remind them that they abandoned their cart. In fact, 80% of advertisers rely on third-party cookies to track user behaviour and deliver relevant ads, according to Epsilon.

Why did Google choose to remove third-party cookies?

The reason behind Google’s decision is similar to that of Firefox’s and Safari’s back in 2013: primarily due to consumers’ concerns about privacy and data selling. With third-party cookies being sold to external companies, there are ethical concerns about what the buyers are doing with the data, who they are selling it to, and how they are keeping it safe from hackers. While some data such as age and country of residence may not be as troubling to some if they were to be leaked, data can often include or link to sensitive or identifiable information such as full name and address - which are easily harmful in the wrong hands. This point is only solidified by research suggesting that only 11% of website visitors accepted cookies.

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What can be done after third-party cookies disappear?

It’s no surprise that with the prevalence and power of third-party data in personalizing marketing efforts, 41% of marketers believe the inability to track the right data will be their biggest challenge going forward. 

However, it’s important to note that Google is only phasing out third-party cookies, not all cookies. Businesses can still use first-party cookies, which include data and tracking within their own business that cannot be shared with others. This means that data collected on a certain domain is not shared with advertising partners or other websites (directly). 

Like all cookies, first-party cookies came into existence as a way to aid the user, for convenience, before being further engineered to connect and cater the buying or advertising experience. First-party cookies are what makes it possible to remain logged in to your favourite news feeds, social media platforms, and online grocery sites, offering conveniences with specific and hopefully reasonable allowances to deliver features. Before auto-fill-type browser features, first-party cookies pre-filled your username so you didn’t have to each time you logged into a website.

First-party cookies are used for clever and effective marketing. One method is to offer a special offer for first-time users, such as a discount or free offer. Another technique personalizes a website to each user based on their activity on previous visits. For example, you likely notice that Amazon retains information about what you were shopping for in order to personalize what you see when you arrive at the homepage next time.

When third-parties cookies are finally dropped, older marketing techniques may make a comeback. Contextual advertising, for instance, is the method of placing ads in content based on the type/category of the content. If you are marketing for a furniture brand, you could place ads in articles about home decor. There is less personalization in this method, but it is still likely to reach the right target audience.

To learn more about what UpOnline is doing to prepare for the fall of third-party cookies and how our services can provide maximum tracking without the use of third-party cookies, contact us today!

Video Marketing Ideas and Tips

Even with video marketing being a relatively less-used form of marketing, there is still a lot of competition. It can be hard to think of what types of videos to create and how to create quality videos that will get you the results that you are looking for. With this article, we hope to share the most effective types of video content and provide expert tips on how to produce high-quality videos.

Types of videos you can create

There are many types of marketing videos that you can create for your customers. Get inspiration from the following 4 video content types. 

Demo video

A demonstration (demo) video helps you to showcase your product or service while it is in action. Sometimes referred to as an explainer video, this is an interesting way to introduce your product's value to a prospective customer. This type of video allows you to give customers ideas on why your products stand out more than others. In fact, according to a survey by Wyzouwl, more than 88% of people were convinced to buy a product/service after watching a brand’s video!

Brand video

Tell your customers what your brand stands for. This video type is aimed at creating a positive association between the brand and prospective customers without necessarily promoting a product or a service. A brand video puts a face to a brand name.

Educational video

Educational videos are used to educate and inform the audience about a certain product function or problem that they may be experiencing. There is a thin line that divides a demo video from an educational video. Educational videos address how to address a problem with the product after it has been introduced through a demo video. In the education industry, these videos are used to impart lessons and training.

Testimonial video

What is one of the best ways to promote your product? Your loyal customers. By using your customers' positive experiences to create video property, you can tap on a great resource to build trust in your brand. Testimonial videos tell a strong and more relatable story that is difficult to forget.

Tips for Content Creation

Grab Attention Quick

There are many other resources where your users can get information, so there are only a few seconds to grab their attention and convince them to stay longer. Ensure that you bring the story to life quickly as the average consumer attention span is just 8.5s. In this short amount of time, you should be able to introduce your product or service as well as relay its value to prospective customers.

There has been a shift in the optimal length of a video. Viewers now prefer shorter clips, and this can be reflected in the popularity of TikTok, Instagram Reels, and Youtube Shorts (all of which focus heavily on videos under 1 minute).

Deliver Real Value

Customers expect your content to provide them with true value. Whether it brings them laughter or handy information, your goal is to keep them interested in your brand for awareness and future purchase.

Stay Consistent

Consistency in approach shows professionality. Stay consistent with your content, aesthetic style and wording. If your customers expect travelling-vlog content, then it would not be a good idea to post construction videos.

Don’t Ignore the Production Quality 

Video marketing brings more attention and engagement, but this is true only if your video has good quality. Pay attention to the quality of production, aesthetic style, and value that your videos will provide. A blurry or shaky video won’t get appreciated even if it provides great value. 

Optimize for Silence

Hubspot research shows that 85% of videos on social media platforms are watched with volume down to zero. Consider adding subtitles, and more attractive visuals to create engrossing content which cannot be missed even while being played without sound.

Add a Call to Action

Don't forget to incorporate appropriate CTA (Call-to-action) in your video. A call to action doesn’t have to be complicated. The CTA in the video could be a direct message from the speaker, a link to a landing page, a phone number to contact or even a share button. A clear CTA will ensure it is easy to engage with the video.


The importance of video marketing can not be emphasized enough. It brings challenges at the outset but much more potential when you are familiar with it. By applying the tips above, you will be able to create an effective video content strategy that will leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

Want to talk more about video marketing or any marketing-related topics? Contact an UpOnline representative today!