Holiday Blues: Navigating Patients’ Loneliness
It’s been said that there is no health without mental health—the truth of this statement is difficult to refute. Mental illness presents a serious barrier to receiving good health care and dental care is no exception. The enormity of this public health concern becomes clear when you consider that, at any moment in Canada, mental health issues impact 1 in 5 people; that’s 20% of dental professionals and 20% of patients in need of oral health care. Oral health and mental health issues cannot always remain separated.
Read the article on oralhealthgroup.com>
Back to Basics: Understanding your paid search metrics
Learn how to interpret what’s happening in your paid search account with your traffic, conversions and sales data.
Read the article on marketingland.com>
Experts Call for More Active Prevention of Tooth Decay for Children's Teeth
Three-year trial comparing three treatment strategies for tooth decay in children's teeth finds no evidence to suggest that conventional fillings are more successful than sealing decay into teeth, or using preventive methods alone. 43% of those participating in the study experienced toothache or dental infection regardless of the treatment received.
Read the article on sciencedaily.com>
Smart Targeting: The Better Way to Reach Audiences & Customers
Smart targeting provides a more individual experience for webpage visitors. For example, if I visit a web page that's not in my first language, in some cases, I'll receive an option to translate that web page into my first language based on my location. That's smart targeting at work.
Read the article on hubspot.com>
Beyond the Chair: Considerations for growing your dental practice
A recent survey reveals that dental professionals are optimistic about the future of the profession, and many are interested in forming, or becoming part of, a group practice. Dan Croft elaborates in this article.
Read the article on dentistryiq.com>