Instead of Filling Cavities, Dentists May Soon Regenerate Teeth
Researchers recently discovered certain drugs, including one developed to treat Alzheimer’s, stimulate innate self-repair mechanisms.
Read the article on scientificamerican.com>
Google is Finally Admitting it has a Filter-Bubble Problem
The search engine reinforces your pre-conceived biases as a side effect of the way its algorithm parses your question. Google admitted to the issue and said it is actively working on solutions. The details have yet to be worked out.
Read the article on qz.com>

Streamlined, Cost-Cutting Post-Treatment Dental Advice via iPad
With increased numbers of baby boomers using technology, Case Western Reserve University researchers investigate streamlined, cost-cutting post-treatment advice.
Read the article on medicalxpress.com>
Six Digital Marketing Trends To Watch In 2018
Now's the time to look back and analyze on what marketing strategies worked and didn't in the last year. Read more for 6 trends to keep an eye on this year.
Read the article on forbes.com>

The State of Salivary Diagnostics
A specific application of salivary diagnostics in dentistry could be the early diagnosis of periodontitis. Today the traditional approach to diagnosing periodontal diseases consists of measuring periodontal pocket depth and associated bone loss by manual probing of the gingival sulcus mixed with visual examination from a dental professional and radiographic imaging. Ultimately, this approach can leave dental professionals with limited information on disease classification and treatment planning.
Read the article on thedentalgeek.com>