Squid Ink Provides New Dental Imaging Technology
Improving the accuracy of dental imaging helps patients to receive optimal care. A new imaging method has an unusual material source: squid ink. This helps to improve the clarity and contrast for gum disease inspections.
Read the article on digitaljournal.com>
Future-Proofing for Growth in the Age of AI
AI is all the rage on tech websites, but it can still seem like a pretty obscure, inaccessible tactic for B2B companies.
Read the article on hubspot.com>
How to Use 2018 to Grow Your Dental Practice (even if you’re in the hole)
Marketing is critical to your practice's survival and growth even if your revenue is declining.
Read the article on dentistryiq.com>
Digital Marketing for Businesses That "Don’t Need Marketing"
I hear this all the time, "our business is not something that marketing would help." This thought process is rooted in the belief that a business’s sales do not come from just anyone but instead come from a small group of industry insiders. Sometimes this thought is accompanied by, “nobody is searching for what we do so there is no reason for us to market.” Read more at https://www.business2community.com/brandviews/shelley-media-arts/digital-marketing-businesses-dont-need-marketing-02008737
Read the article on business2community.com>
The Fight Against Tooth Decay Gets Help With a New Smart Material
When patients go to the dentist to fill a cavity, they're trying to solve a problem -- not create a new one. But many dental patients get some bad news: bacteria can dig under their tooth-colored fillings and cause new cavities, called recurrent caries. U of T researchers designed a novel solution: a filling material with tiny particles containing antimicrobial drugs, designed to stop bacteria in its tracks.
Read the article on sciencedaily.com>