Muskoka Dental Hygienist Helps Kick Down Income Barrier to Oral Health
Sarah Robertson Smith sits on national Gift from the Heart executive committee with aim to offering dental hygiene to those in need. Sarah Robertson Smith, owner of Muskoka Gentle Dental and director of fundraising for Gift from the Heart, says many Muskoka residents fall through the cracks when it comes to dental hygiene coverage. April 10, 2018.
Read the article on muskokaregion.com>
Digital Marketing is a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Marathons are long, hard, taxing and exhilarating races that require immense dedication and perseverance. Online marketing is no different. In fact, I’m even going to go one step further and say that online marketing isn’t just like a regular marathon, it's more like one of the hardest marathons in the world. What makes it so hard? Let’s break it down.
Read the article on business2community.com>

Dentist Researching "Missing Link" for Neurological Disorders
The path to a treatment for disorders like multiple sclerosis or Alzheimer’s could start in the dentists chair. More than 30 years of research has led Okotoks dentist Dr. David Williams to believe he may have found a missing link between jaw clenching and bite problems and neurological disorders.
Read the article on westernwheel.com>
15 Digital Marketing Tips For New Companies Seeking Brand Recognition
With the foray into digital marketing becoming easier and more affordable, many companies are tossing their hat into the arena and giving it a try. Your business, like many others, may benefit from using digital marketing to your advantage — if you keep your wits and focus on the audience at hand.
Read the article on forbes.com>

Leadership After Graduation
As dentists, we are leaders in our communities, offices, professions, families and anywhere else in life where people are prepared to follow us. As such, it is our responsibility to collect pearls as we go to be our best versions of leaders and influence positive change.
Read the article on asdablog.com>