Science Meets Archaeology with Discovery that Dental X-Rays Reveal Vitamin D
Human teeth hold vital information about Vitamin D deficiency, a serious but often hidden condition that can now be identified by a simple dental X-ray, anthropologists have found.
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How Augmented Reality is Changing The World Of Consumer Marketing
Augmented reality (AR) marketing was obsolete just a few years ago, but today, it takes the reins from virtual reality platforms to create a new, interactive consumer experience. Its growth is expected to reach $117.4 billion within the next 5 years.
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Dentists can Help Spot Early Signs of Eating Disorders
When it comes to the early detection of eating disorders, dentists are in a unique position for spotting the early warning signs and referring patients to the proper behavioral health professionals.
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Yelp Increasingly Cracking Down on 'Review Solicitation' Across the Internet
As reviews have become integral to marketing and local ranking factors, multiple companies have emerged to monitor and encourage reviews. Yelp, the online directory with arguably the harshest policies against what they have proclaimed 'review solicitation', is trying to stop many of those efforts.
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Dental Filling Failure Linked to Smoking, Drinking and Genetics
Researchers find that people who drink alcohol are more likely to suffer a failed dental filling. The research team also found a genetic difference in some patients associated with increased filling failure rates. The results suggest that personalized dental treatments could lead to improved outcomes.
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