Why You Need to Focus on Video Marketing in 2017
Video is growing to dominate your audience's online activity. If you don't already have a video marketing strategy in place for your website and social media, you're missing a tremendous opportunity to reach and engage with your audience.
Read the article on hubspot.com >
Read the article on hubspot.com >
How to Identify the Perfect Influencer for Your Business
The landscape and tools used in marketing are constantly changing and so are the jobs that go along with them. Learn about the work possibilities in marketing that are just around the corner.
Read the article on entrepreneur.com >
Read the article on entrepreneur.com >
Consumers See Value in Their Personal Data, Global Survey Finds
People are more aware than ever that their personal information has financial value. At the same time, they have very little transparency as to who knows what about them, how their data is gathered and how it is used for commercial purposes.
Read the article on globeandmail.com >
Read the article on globeandmail.com >
5 Creative Tools Used Every Day By Google, IDEO, and Other Top Innovation Firms
In business today, creativity is required of people more than ever to stay competitive and profitable in a world that's becoming more complicated by the day. Here's 5 creativity tools from some of the top firms in the world, to stay above the fray and keep those creative juices flowing.
Read the article on inc.com >
Read the article on inc.com >
Snapchat Is Beginning to Use Machine Learning to Improve Ad Targeting
Snapchat is adding ways to optimize campaign performance with the help of machine learning. Find out how you can use these tools to better your campaigns.
Read the article on adweek.com >
Read the article on adweek.com >