Health Canada Doesn't Know if its Dental Programs Benefit Indigenous Canadians: Report
Inuit and First Nations people have nearly twice as much dental disease as other Canadians. The fall 2017 report of the auditor general finds that Health Canada does not know whether its dental programming for Indigenous Canadians is actually improving their oral health.
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The FCC Plans to Kill the Open Internet; don't count on the FTC to save it
Would you like the netflix/youtube/prime "video streaming" package add-on to your Internet? You won't be able to access those sites without it(and that won't cover your membership fees.
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Paying Dentists with Cryptocurrency is Happening
Many dentists in Europe now accept Dentacoin, the custom token created for the global dental industry, as payment for dental treatment. Consumers can acquire dentacoins through reviews.
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Emojis Don't Drive Brand Engagement
While emojis are great for adding additional meaning onto messages sent to family and friends, they could actually be detrimental to a brands image.
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'Sometimes I can't drink or eat': Syrian refugee living in B.C. faces $10K dental bill
Canadian newcomer, a Syrian refugee, never imagined she'd be facing a $10,000 dental bill in her new home.
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