Dental Implants : No Longer A Fear Factor
For the past few years, dental implants have become the most successful and innovative dental procedures. The costs are much more affordable than expected, and the pain is minimal and manageable. Interest in dental implants is growing as the procedure has become more accessible to all.
Read the article on peninsulanewsreview.com>
The Future of Marketing is Marketing As A Service
In the past, marketing has been focused around the brand and the product. However, the future of marketing is heading towards focus on service, targeting your audience but also taking the right next step for them, going beyond just the product, and improving the entire customer journey.
Read the article on forbes.com>

Local Company Fills a Gap for Dentists
Software startup "Timeshift Solutions" (timeshiftsolutions.com), produces a software called OPES that helps dental offices organize and computerize.
Read the article on thestar.com>
Use the Weather Network app? Why it's Sharing Your Location with Advertisers
The need for high-quality content cannot be overemphasized, which is why you need a team that knows how to implement your content strategy. Here's how to build and nurture a content team that gets the job done.
Read the article on cbc.ca>
The Crucial Role of Website Security in Maintaining the Bond of Trust With Your Patients
Having a trusting bond with your dental patients is important. Optimizing the security of your website might be a source of trust you should focus on developing.
Read the article on dentistryiq.com>