High Sugar Consumption Gives Rise to Dental Treatment Costs in the Billions
Read the article on sciencedaily.com>
But Do You Love Me? A brand intimacy agency ranks brands based on emotional connections to consumers
MBLM's 2017 brand intimacy report ranks 386 brands across 15 industries based on emotional connections brands have with consumers.
Read the article on marketingland.com>

Planning for the Practice You Want
Starting a business isn't easy, but if you know that one day, you want to work for yourself, you have to begin planning now. Here are some essentials to keep in mind as you are building your business.
Read the article on asdablog.com>
How to Maximize Social Media Marketing as a B2B Company
Around 79% of B2B marketers surveyed by Omobono agreed that social media marketing is a worthwhile investment and offers good results.
Read the article on marketingprofs.com>

Toronto Medical Clinic Integrates Medical and Oral Health Services
Under the banner "Your Mouth is Part of Your Body", a Toronto group medical practice is now offering preventive oral healthcare within its clinic. MCI's integration of medical and preventive oral healthcare seamlessly in one clinic is a first in Canada.
Read the article on oralhealthgroup.com>