Does Your Practice Meet and Exceed 2019 Web Standards?
In today’s digital world, dental practice websites must be secure, use responsive design, and leverage online reviews. Here's why.
Read the article on dentaleconomics.com>
Lean Not Mean: A user-first framework for surveillance marketing
Marketers clearly need to reconcile the demands of commerce with the privacy pressures in the market and, at the recent MarTech East Conference, Duane Schulz, Principal of Schulz Advisors LLC, presented the concept of lean surveillance marketing as a possible solution.
Read the article on marketingland.com>
Tooth Loss Associated With Higher Risk of Heart Disease
Adults who have lost teeth due to non-traumatic reasons may have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
Read the article on sciencedaily.com>
Email Marketing vs. Social Media: Can They Intersect?
Here, we're going to take a look at how social media and email marketing are great separately, and integrating the two can transcend your marketing strategy to new heights.
Read the article on hubspot.com>
Do You Know Why Your Dental Patients are Sailing Away?
There's a reason your patients are bailing on you. And there's a good chance you can't figure out why they're leaving. Here's what patients have to say.
Read the article on dentistryiq.com>