Loyalty Builds Your Practice
According to our survey results, patients have told us that the main reason they will remain with a particular dental practice is because of “the dentist themselves”. An impressive 74 per cent of patients strongly agree that the main reason for staying with their current dentist is trust, which means trust builds loyalty.
Read the article on oralhealthgroup.com>
Are Twitter Stories Coming? The Company Buys Stories App Developer Chroma Labs
Twitter has acquired Chroma Labs, the company behind the Chroma Stories app — a short-form video and photo creation tool that offers Stories templates and filters for creating Stories on various social sites.
Read the article on marketingland.com>
Chemical Found in Drinking Water Linked to Tooth Decay in Children
Children with higher concentrations of a certain chemical in their blood are more likely to get cavities, according to a new study. Researchers found that higher concentrations of PFAS were associated with greater tooth decay in children.
Read the article on sciencedaily.com>
Why Website Indexation Is A Must-Have for Marketers
Website indexation is not something you do as a marketer, but a process the search engine carries out when you publish new content online. What marketers need to know is how to ensure you’re set up correctly for indexation. An indexed website helps a site or page actually appear in search engine results — which is typically the first step to ranking and generating traffic.
Read the article on hubspot.com>
Keep More of What You Produce in Your Dental Practice
Dentists often hesitate to ask patients to pay at the time of their appointments, or increase their fees, or start big cases sooner rather than later. Dr. Roger Levin says taking these steps will help you keep more of what you work hard to earn.
Read the article on dentistryiq.com>